Sex and the City Easy Come Easy Go Carrie

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: At the furniture show, when Carrie is introducing Big and Natasha to Aiden, Carrie accidentally spills her coffee on Big. A coffee spot that splashed on Carrie's upper blouse keeps appearing and disappearing throughout the scene.

raywest Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Factual error: Throughout this episode, when Carrie talks about the functions of the left vs. right sides of the brain, she has them backwards. The right side of the brain is the creative side, the left is the logical one. Apparently, the writers liked the idea that the "right" side of Carrie's brain would ultimately lead her to do the "right" thing about Mr. Big, but that's not the case. Rational decision are made with the brain's left side. (But then again, Carrie never was very rational when it came to Mr. Big.).

Sex and the City mistake picture

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Samantha and her date are in the health food restaurant, she orders wheatgrass shots. The waiter pours them, filling the cups to the brim and then sets one on the table in front of each of them and we see again in a close up that they are both full up. Yet when Samantha picks up hers to drink, the liquid level has gone down a little way.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: The people walking behind Trey and Charlotte close to Tiffany's is totally different in the side angle, than in the front shot - check out the African-American woman, for example.

Sacha Premium member

Sex and the City mistake picture

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Revealing mistake: When Tray and Charlotte stand by Tyffany's door, bystanders on the right and on the left sneak-in to see the filming.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Revealing mistake: After Carrie leaves home because Aidan is fixing the floor, Charlotte and Trey walk down the street. There's a group of people on the left who can't stop looking at the camera.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Steve arrives at Miranda's place he cuddles the puppy, but his left hand's position is not continuous between shots when he thanks her for sleeping on the couch.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Audio problem: Sam asks the waiter how long does the wheatgrass take to work into one's system, but the last sentences are played with a side shot of her where she's not mouthing the lines.

Sacha Premium member

Sex and the City mistake picture

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Carrie debates with Miranda whether to call Big or not, Carrie holds the pillow close to her chest in one shot, but over her thighs in the other.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Revealing mistake: When Trey and Charlotte stop in front of Tiffany's, all of the passers-by stare at the camera. There's even a bald man in a white T-shirt who stops dead in his tracks and sneaks his head in between Charlotte and Trey while staring.

Sacha Premium member

Sex and the City mistake picture

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Sam asks her friends if anyone has had the bad taste semen problem, Miranda's mug is on the table. Half a second later it is close to her mouth.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Sam talks about sperm taste and Charlotte leaves, Sam grabs the mug's handle, then from another angle her arm is down, then back to a front shot and she is holding the handle again.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Trey's mom asks Charlotte if she plays tennis, she takes out a cigarette. She never lights it (nor do we hear any sound), but half a second later it is already lit up.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Trey's mom orders the cheese nibblings, Trey's arm swaps from lowered to drinking from a glass.

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: After meeting Big, while ordering food with the girls Carrie closes her menu twice. (00:08:14)

Sacha Premium member

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Carrie holds the menu she either has her right arm down or holding the menu.

Sacha Premium member


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